Hi! This is week one of my "Maximize Your Mornings" challenge and I gotta say, I'm not doing so great. Getting up early before the kids do is a lofty goal for me. I am NOT a morning person. Especially when I have a one year old who doesn't want to sleep through the night. Ugh.
Yesterday, I took the girls out only for them to fall asleep in the car (it was naptime and I was on a quest to get garlic to plant in my garden) so I could actually go anywhere and get OUT of the car! But, I did score a load of Korean garlic to plant this week. According to my farmer friend, you are supposed to plant garlic on Columbus Day. Of course, I didn't have any to plant until yesterday and then today, being an absolutely gorgeous fall day would have been perfect for planting, or applepicking! I, however, had to work today and tomorrow they are calling for rain and cold. So, I will pray that the "bad" weather doesn't start until later in the day and that I can plant my garlic while the girls take their morning nap. Let's just hope that this isn't one of those "no" answers to prayer!
I guess part of getting up early in the morning is going to bed early. Seeing as how it's 11:38 on my clock, I have certainly gone past "going to bed early" once again. Problem is that I am afraid to pray for discipline to get up early and go to bed on time, because then you just know that God will give me an "opportunity" to learn discipline. That type of "opportunity" usually isn't pleasant, either, even if it is invaluable and very much needed. Lately I have been feeling the pressure of discipline in so many other arenas of life, that getting out of bed in the morning just doesn't hold the appeal it might have at another time in my life. That said, I would still like to attain it, if only to be able to say that I did it. I am hoping that it actually provides the benefits that it's supporters swear that it does.
If you are interested in rolling out of bed with the roosters, check out Inspired to Action. Just might change your life! I'm still deciding...
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